Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

AlterNet: United Colors of America

United Colors of America

By Rebecca Solnit, Posted July 28, 2004.

"Must we be a primary-color nation? Wouldn't a little lilac make us feel better about terror alerts? Perhaps some aubergine-chartreuse"

I am sure that both the Republicans and democrats are trying to figure out how to put satire like this behind razor wire in a free speech zone like they have managed to do at their precious (yawn)conventions in Boston and New York.

Still its nice to laugh at these bozzos - while its still permitted. You do have a permit don't you?


OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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