Victoria Rose August 7th, 2004 - August 7, 2004.
On Saturday last August the seventh, of the year two thousand and four, our daughter Victoria Rose Wick Sebastian was stillborn. There was a knot in the cord one of those of so rare events that seem to plague me with both blessings and disasters.
Aubrey and I are devastated we have cried and cried having a pain like no other, it is only now that a week has passed that I can post this most horrid news to my blog. Only a week?
For all who loose children in war, to accident, to stillbirth, Aubrey and I will always have a place in our minds and hearts, for we truly know the pain. We thought of you even in our tears, we thought most of those who loose their children to the capricious and the viciousness of needless war, we are so sorry.
To any of my friends for whom this may be the first notice, my greatest apologies. At some time last week I simply ran out of that which let me speak and write, even to those I love and admire. I am sometimes thought of as having some strength in such matters, but there are limits to endurance, please forgive.
We have had so much help and so much support both from Aubrey's family, and mine, all my close friends and neighbors, who could have known how much love there was for us? Our thanks it has meant a world to us.
There is now so little to say or do, and eloquence is oft best served by silence - Victoria Rose was lovely even in death.
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