Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Monday, November 22, 2004

Why We Fight- by Justin Raimondo

Why We Fight- by Justin Raimondo

War centralizes political authority and economic power, investing all power in the state – and assigning obedience, rather than freedom, to the top rank in the social hierarchy of values. This, for libertarians, is the crux of the matter.

All States are necessarily aggressive, first and foremost against their own citizen-subjects. They exist by plundering producers and redistributing the loot to their precinct captains and supporters. The State is perpetually at war with those it robs and regulates. An apparatus especially designed to maintain a monopoly of violence in a given geographical area, it is the perfect war-fighting machine.

Aside from the question of whether such an institution is a necessary evil, or should be altogether abolished, all libertarians must agree that the power of the State should be severely limited – and not only within its own borders but also beyond. As Murray N. Rothbard put it in "War, Peace, and the State":

My comment:

Justin Raimondo makes this excellent description of the libertarian argument against war, one can of course follow the URL to the entire article but I warn you Justin for all his sterling qualities tends to ramble on. My observation is that war is not just the health of the state as Randolph Bourne observed, war is in fact the state.

Modern war as we know it could not exist without the state. They are one and inseparable the State is War and War is the State.

We must find a way to bind this beast before it puts an end to us all.


OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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