Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Into the Sun mid february - this is too cool one can see solar flairs - by the by the sun is in quite a turbulent phase just now at least one hopes it is just a phase.

cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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Monday, February 07, 2005

Into the Sun 020505
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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Brindel likes beer
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Something is deeply wrong that the subject of torture should even come up in a nomination of the US attorney General. In any event one can click on the link and retrieve the code for the above banner and paste it onto one's website.



OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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