Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

How we are doing after the loss of Victoria

We recover one supposes or maybe the hurt just has longer spaces between.

Much of the little things that gave me joy are bereft of meaning now perhaps they were silly things anyway. This will always hurt there is no getting past that.

The care of our friends and family though is like dew on a spiders web before the morning sun. A surety that there is always hope and beauty to be found in the world.

Our thanks to all those who keep us in their thoughts.


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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Victoria Rose August 7th, 2004 - August 7, 2004.

On Saturday last August the seventh, of the year two thousand and four, our daughter Victoria Rose Wick Sebastian was stillborn. There was a knot in the cord one of those of so rare events that seem to plague me with both blessings and disasters.

Aubrey and I are devastated we have cried and cried having a pain like no other, it is only now that a week has passed that I can post this most horrid news to my blog. Only a week?

For all who loose children in war, to accident, to stillbirth, Aubrey and I will always have a place in our minds and hearts, for we truly know the pain. We thought of you even in our tears, we thought most of those who loose their children to the capricious and the viciousness of needless war, we are so sorry.

To any of my friends for whom this may be the first notice, my greatest apologies. At some time last week I simply ran out of that which let me speak and write, even to those I love and admire. I am sometimes thought of as having some strength in such matters, but there are limits to endurance, please forgive.

We have had so much help and so much support both from Aubrey's family, and mine, all my close friends and neighbors, who could have known how much love there was for us? Our thanks it has meant a world to us.

There is now so little to say or do, and eloquence is oft best served by silence - Victoria Rose was lovely even in death.



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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I don't know what to title this - voting libertarian seems so "self evident".

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUGUST 3, 2004 P.O.C. Steve Gordon(256)227-8360
"How do you know it's election time?" muses Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik. "The Republicans are babbling about eliminating the IRS again.
Give me a break."Badnarik pauses to sip a soft drink. He's back at his Texas campaign headquarters, after celebrating his 50th birthday and doing radio interviews following a hard week on the stump in New England and the South. "It's like Groundhog's Day, only every other year," he says of House Speaker Dennis Hastert's (R-IL) "plan" to eliminate the IRS.
"The Republicans come up with nifty ideas for cutting taxes in August of even-numbered years. Then right after the first Tuesday in November, they see their shadows and scurry back into their budget conferences."Badnarik has also proposed eliminating the IRS ... and anyone who listens to him say it believes he means it. "I'm not Dennis Hastert or Trent Lott or Bob Dole," he says. "And I'm not George W. Bush.
Bush promised us tax cuts, too. And he delivered -- a whopping 1%, phased in over ten years. Some honeymoon. We shaved our legs for this?"Badnarik's proposal has teeth. He wants to repeal the 16th Amendment."If we don't get rid of the authority for the income tax, it won't go away.
We'll end up with Hastert's national sales tax or value added tax or whatever ... and the income tax, too."The key? "If you want to cut taxes, you have to cut spending," he says. "The Republicans have proven for the last four years that they aren't willing to do that. Running up debt to be paid off by inflating the currency or taxing our grandchildren isn't an answer."Even excluding defense, federal spending -- along with the deficit --is now at its highest level since WWII.
Badnarik takes his message back on the road tomorrow, hitting Florida and Alabama before spending a full week in New Mexico , where his campaign is already running television commercials critical of the Iraq War and the Bush administration's spending policies. "If Hastert comes out with an emergency bill to repeal his spending increases,drop me an email," he says, tossing his empty cup into a nearby trashcan and heading off for another interview. "Then maybe someone will take him seriously.
"The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party. More than 600 Libertarians serve in public office at the local,state and federal level.


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Tuesday, August 03, 2004

One more throught the door frame. The lexan windows create a nice effect.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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The ladder is about nine feet at this extension.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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View through door frame
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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A few images to show the interior.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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Here you can see how organic the structure is compared to the conventional house.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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Of course its mainly up on blocks
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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Finnally the pod is up and level.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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