Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Every so often we are treated to a most wonderful sky. This display only lasted for about fifteen minutes and we just happened to look out about dinner time.

W we were truely blessed to witness that despite all there is beauty in this world even if it lies beyound the grasp if not the sight of men - one wants to believe that like Noah's this rainbow is a promise that our "flood" is over.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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If you look hard you can see that this is a triple rainbow.

Following are a few more images of the East Tennessee evening sky we had a couple days ago. The entire world was tinted a most sublime yellow and opposite the setting sun was this intense triple rainbow. The setting sun itself was crowned by wreath of golden clouds.

AS you will see.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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Sometimes the sky here is so ...
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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So intense.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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East Tennessee evening Rainbow
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004


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Monday, September 27, 2004

Found Old Scrap of Poetry

No idea what this means but I must of wrote it cause it was in my handwriting.

Twain wake and sleep
Play the lights
twixt the fingers
from the hands
weaving balls
throwing bolts
from my aura
gives the munchies
leads to baloney
covered with mayonnaise
consumed in the
witching hour


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Monday, September 20, 2004

Wasted Vote Question finally definitively Answered


Bill Bolan on the wasted vote,

" Let me make this simple: I own MY Vote. The Republicans have no right to it. The Democrats have no right to it. If George Bush bought it some time ago, I want to buy it back.

Let me make this simpler. A vote for Bush is a vote for Bush. A vote for Kerry is a vote for Kerry. A vote for either shows you are happy with the way politics is run in this country. A vote for Badnarik is a vote for Badnarik."


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Friday, September 17, 2004

LUCAN on swords and slavery vs. A Bill Concerning Slaves

LUCAN on swords and slavery
"Ignorantque datos, ne quisquam serviat, enses."And they are ignorant that the purpose of the sword is to save every man from slavery.-- Lucanus (A.D. 39-65), De Bello Civili (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library, 1988), IV, 579, p. 216.

A Bill Concerning Slaves
"No slaves shall keep any arms whatever, nor pass, unless with written orders from his master or employer, or in his company, with arms from one place to another."-- A Bill Concerning Slaves [1785], reproduced in Alfred Fried, Ed., The Essential Jefferson (Collier Books, 1963), p. 140.

The link has a wonderful collection of quote pro and anti Liberty.


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Tuesday, September 14, 2004


This is the essence of an answer I penned to a question from a friend of mine regarding the notion that the Pentagon was struck by a missile or some such rather than a plane on 9/11/01.

Being the third anniversary of this telling event I thought I'd post the gist of my reply as a comment on the 9/11 attack.

Of course it was clearly a plane that struck the Pentagon that day. But, does it not tell volumes about the relationship between we and our governments that so many people are willing to entertain the idea that it was not?

Subject: RE: FW: Conspiracy Theory or True?

I believe this has been debunked as some very reliable eyewitnesses
have testified that they saw a plane hit the pentagon.

What is true however is that the US Government had plenty of warning
and that the upper echelons of the FBI were walking on eggshells when
it came to requests from field agents for warrants to search the abodes
of Saudies living in the US.

Like they really like to stick to constitutional niceties when they want to
ransack a US citizen's dwelling.

The most probable real story for 911 is that the federal government
agencies designed to protect us are run by bloated incompetents who
are far more of a threat to us than any of the innumerable enemies they
have created for us.

Of course I could go on but you get the gist. Please do not mistake this as any sort of excuse for the miserable cretins that planed and carried out this horrid attack I am sure they are burning in the special hell reserved for those who kill innocents as part and parcel of their wars.

The real real story is that the federal government's very least concern is that of defending the people, property , and liberty of we that live within these borders. That in and of itself is the real reason for 911.


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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Rocky Frisco from the Smith 2004 list

I do my best to avoid doing business with good Christians; it's just a
bit of wisdom gained from a lifetime of bad experiences with them.

My friend, Beth, put it this way: "What do you expect from people
whose whole way of life is based on letting somebody else pay for
their mistakes."


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