Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Monday, September 20, 2004

Wasted Vote Question finally definitively Answered


Bill Bolan on the wasted vote,

" Let me make this simple: I own MY Vote. The Republicans have no right to it. The Democrats have no right to it. If George Bush bought it some time ago, I want to buy it back.

Let me make this simpler. A vote for Bush is a vote for Bush. A vote for Kerry is a vote for Kerry. A vote for either shows you are happy with the way politics is run in this country. A vote for Badnarik is a vote for Badnarik."


OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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