Scratch Dailey

My Hobbie is everything. Which is specifically what this blog is about. what

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Minimal Novel

Another bit found in an old note book.

Like every other American I dream of writing the great novel - in pursuit of said objective I created this the minimal action adventure novel.

It is titled:


He is after them
you know about what they say?
they won't let you.

He is tired of them
He is going to find them
They can't stop him
but when he finds them
he is going to stop them

On the way he meets those
who are not them

He falls in love with her
He wars with the minions of them

they didn't think he mattered
they didn't think he existed
then it was to late
they could not stop him

Bet you can't wait for the sequel?

The reviews are begining to come in:

I read your novel and I was moved to tears. I'm still not quite sure why, but tears none the less.


OK you know what I think, if you want me (and the milions of visitors to this blog) to know what you think use the comment function above. Thanks.

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